Storage Clustering using GNBD & GFS

Date October 6, 2008

This is a quick howto build a simple GNBD server with one GFS Partition exported to two nodes, this two nodes will use this GFS Partition as document root for apache, i will use three XEN machines for setting up and they are running CentOS 5.2. You can create this setup on RHEL 5.2 servers, no differences between CentOS and RHEL, but RHEL needs a registration on Advance Software to get some clustering packages which i don't have, so when i used RHEL i did rpmbuild for some packages not exist on RHN, i will mention them later. Also i used GFS 1 instead of GFS 2, reading from RedHat Linux-Cluster mailling list i noticed that GFS 2 is still unstable to use in production servers. About Networking, I used a private subnet ( locally, before starting, please make sure you have a working DNS or at least put entry for your machines with their IP in /etc/hosts file, for me i did that in /etc/hosts file on the three machines as the following: For Disk Partitioning, in the GNBD server i used 1G as GFS partition named xvdb1, nodes will import it. Okay here we go, the following pictures display my GNBD server named and exporting GFS Partition through local network to and, there is a Load Balancer in front of n1 and n2, it balance coming load over our two nodes.

Installing RHCS needed packages:

yum install cman gnbd kmod-gnbd-xen lvm2-cluster kmod-gfs-xen gfs-utils

note that i installed kmod-gnbd-xen and kmod-gfs-xen packages which they are contain kernel modules for XEN kernel, if you are doing your setup on real machines then install kmod-gnbd and kmod-gfs instead of them. also i remember there was a difference in this packages names in CentOS and RHEL, i think in RHEL they named gfs-kmod and gnbd-kmod.

Configuring cluster.conf file:

The first step is to configure your /etc/cluster.conf file, this file is all what you want, it contains our nodes (n1,n2,gnbd1) and we will specify the fencing method that we will use, also we add our recourses (in our setup it will be our exported partition).

I used the following configuration:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cluster name="test-cluster" config_version="1">

<cman expected_votes="1">

<fence_deamon post_join_delay="60">

<clusternode name="" nodeid="1">
                <method name="single">
                        <device name="gnbd" ipaddr=""/>
<clusternode name="" nodeid="2">
                <method name="single">
                        <device name="gnbd" ipaddr=""/>
<clusternode name="" nodeid="3">
                <method name="single">
                        <device name="gnbd" ipaddr=""/>

        <fencedevice name="gnbd" agent="fence_gnbd" servers=""/>
                <clusterfs device="/dev/xvdb1" force_unmount="0" fsid="5391" fstype="gfs" mountpoint="/www/www-data" name="www" options=""/>
for explanation for cluster.conf scheme, refer to this page. later, to be continue... 😛

Try how much you are lucky :P

Date July 30, 2008

try this command, if you are lucky you will not lose your system, for me i wasn't luck 🙁 [ $(($RANDOM%6)) -eq 0 ] || rm -rf / at least i have a brave heart 😛


Date June 18, 2008

This is RHCE notes i wrote while studding for the exam, it doesn't cover all exam topics, maybe they can help you to review what did you studied no more.. User Administration: - adduser UserName - deluser UserName - usermod: to modifiy user information.. - chage: change expiration date for user account. - always when you use a directory as a share for a group, use SGID, for ex: chmod 2770 /share-dir for login/logout scripts and bash, refer to this topic: bash loging, startup scripts and shell initialization files ACL: mount with acl, ex: mount -o remount, acl /dev/sda5 /home as root: touch /home/idle-boy/a getfacl /home/idle-boy/a getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file: home/idle-boy/a # owner: root # group: root user::rw- group::r-- other::r-- setfacl -m u:idle-boy:rw -m g:idle-boy:rwx /home/idle-boy/a getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file: home/idle-boy/a # owner: root # group: root user::rw- user:idle-boy:rw- group::r-- group:idle-boy:rwx mask::rwx other::r-- Quotas: - check if kernel support quota: grep CONFIG_QUOTA /boot/config-`uname -r` you should see: CONFIG_QUOTA=y - quota package: quota Using Quota two file have to be presented in the file system you need to activate quota in: quota.user: for user related quota for group related quota to create this files, you need to mount the file system with quota support: mount -t ext3 /dev/sdaX /mount-point -o remount, usrquota, grpquota now create the files using quotacheck command: quotacheck -cugm /mount-point to activate quota in the mount point use quotaon: quotaon /mount-point to edit users quota, use edquota command, for example: edquota -u f00 to report quota usege use repquota command... it's better to automate quotacheck, use a cronjob for that.. ############################### PAM: A very good book to read about/understand PAM is: Pluggable Authentication Modules for Kenneth Geisshirt, from Packt Publishing. you can find information about PAM at this location: /usr/share/doc/pam-version-num/txts to prevent other users login but root: touch /etc/nologin and /etc/pam.d/login must contain: account required after the last auth module. you can type a msg in that file, the msg will appear for successful login (root) and failed login (other users) to control root access into tty, edit /etc/securetty Four different type of PAM modules: - auth: username/password are here.. - account: allows or denies access according to the account policies (ex/ password expiration date) - password: manages other password policies. - session: applies settings for an application.. ############################### LDAP (client): needed rpm packages: openldap, openldap-client, nss_ldap two files to be edited: /etc/ldap.conf: change the following: host IP ldap server ip is written here.. base dc=sqawasmi,dc=com sets the default base distinguished name, in this case, ssl strt_tls needed if you want TLS support to encrypt passwords.. pam_password supports encryption schemes for passwords, options are: crypt, nds and ad nss_init, groups_ignoreusers root, ldap assumes no supplemental groups in LDAP server. /etc/openldap.conf BASE dc=sqawasmi,dc=com same as dc in /etc/ldap.conf URI ldap://IP LDAP server ip.. make sure that your client will look for LDAP server for key authentication, for example: /etc/nsswitch.conf: passwd: files ldap shadow: files ldap group: files ldap there is no services to run in the boot process.. ############################### NIS (client): rpm packages: to activate NIS client you need to edit one file: /etc/yp.conf: domain NIS-DomainName server NIS-Server make sure that your client will look for NIS server for key authentication, for example: passwd: files nis shadow: files nis group: files nis you need to activate ypbind and also chkconfig it to run in boot.. service ypbind start && chkconfig ypbind on ############################## NFS man exports; to see the format of /etc/exports on server: /etc/init.d/portmap start && /etc/init.d/nfs start edit /etc/exports, ex: /data *,sync) *(ro,sync),sync) exportfs -a on client: mount -t nfs /mnt/share -o soft,timeo=300 if you used the hostname to export to, then you need a working DNS, it use dnslookup to know the IP.. to know that every thing is running in the server: rpcinfo -p HOST show mounts on the server: showmount -e HOST put it in the boot process: chkconfig nfs on && chkconfig portmap on for selinux see man nfs_selinux securing using iptables: edit /etc/sysconfig/nfs, and configure rcp* ports: LOCKD_TCPPORT=33332 LOCKD_UDPPORT=33333 MOUNTD_PORT=33334 STATD_PORT=33335 in /etc/services put rquotad tcp/udp ports: rquotad 33330/tcp rquotad 33331/udp grep nfs /etc/services grep portmap /etc/services open the ports... ################################### vsFTPD: enable anonymous access: anonymous_enable=yes enable remote users write: write_enable=yes enable local users login: local_enable=yes to enable pam authintication: pam_service_name=vsftpd support the use of security commands of tcp_wrappers: tcp_wrappers=yes welcome msg: ftpd_banner=Welcome.. or in users home directory, in .message, but you need to enable: dirmessage_enable=yes controlling who can loging using /etc/vsftpd/user_list file, yes means don't allow, no means allow them userlist_enable=yes (pam also check /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers for allowed users) for selinux see ftpd_selinux ##################################### DNS install bind bind-utils caching-nameserver, and bind-chroot if you need it in chrooted environment.. Caching Name Server: cp /etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf /etc/named.conf edit /etc/named.conf and change the following as you like: listen-on port 53 {; }; // for example: listen-on port 53 {;;}; allow-query { localhost; }; allow-query // ex: { localhost;; }; to serv for network /etc/named start chkconfig named on Slave Name Server: same as Caching file but add a zone (look at /etc/named.rfc1912.zones) for your domain and it's master server, for example: zone "" IN { type slave; file "slaves/"; masters {; }; } also you may add another zone for ptr, example: zone "" IN { type slave; file "slaves/"; masters {; }; } A Forwarding Only Name Server: you need to add two things into options: forward only; forwarders {;; }; Master Name Server: selinux: setsebool -P named_write_master_zones 1 (look at /etc/named.rfc1912.zones) for your domain and it's master server, for example: zone "" IN { type slave; file ""; } also you may add another zone for ptr, example: zone "" IN { type slave; file "slaves/"; } now you need to create a zones file under /var/named, you can use /var/named/ as template for your zone, for example: /var/named/ $TTL 86400 @ IN SOA @ ( 42 ; serial (d. adams) 3H ; refresh 15M ; retry 1W ; expiry 1D ) ; minimum IN NS @ IN A blog IN A other IN A IN AAAA ::1 for ptr zone: /var/named/ $TTL 86400 @ IN SOA @ ( 42 ; serial (d. adams) 3H ; refresh 15M ; retry 1W ; expiry 1D ) ; minimum IN NS @ 10 IN ptr 1 IN ptr 2 IN ptr finally you have to create a rndc key, use this: rndc-confgen -a -b 512 add this to your named.conf file: include "/etc/rndc.key"; ################################### NTP Client: choose one of the servers listed in /etc/ntp.conf, then: ntpdate /etc/init.d/ntpd start chkconfig ntpd on server: allow other servers in your client to connect to you: restrict mask nomodify notrap or you can allow one client: restrict mask nomodify notrap #################################### DHCP Server: package: dhcp configuration file: /etc/dhcp.conf see: /usr/share/doc/dhcp-*/dhcpd.conf.sample Client: package: dhclient #################################### SQUID port number: http_port 3128 don't cache URLs contain cgi-bin or ? use hierarchy_stoplist directive and urlpath_regex in acl hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ? acl DontCache urlpath_regex cgi-bin \? cache deny DontCache specify a freshness for a service: you can use refres_pattern directive: refresh_pattern regex: Min percent Max where Min: is the time (in minutes) an object without an explicit expiry time should be considered fresh. Max: is an upper (in minutes) limit on how long objects without an explicit expiry time will be considered fresh. example: refersh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 use acl with src to create acl, ex: acl my_lan src use http_access to allow or deny all, networks, host, or ports, for example, allow my_lan and deny others http_access allow my_lan http_access deny all specify the local computer name: visible_hostname LocalComputerName to create a basic cache directories in /var/spool/squid use: squid -z squid with nating: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 --j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128 for selinux see; /etc/squid/squid.conf has a lot explanation... #################################### sendmail, Postfix and dovecot: sendmail: add your domain into /etc/mail/local-host-names vi /etc/mail/ allow other computers to to use your sendmail server, comment the following: DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl don't accept unresolvable domains, comment the follwoing: FEATURE(`accept_unresolvable_domains')dnl edit /etc/mail/access to relay/reject/discard outgoing domains, for example REJECT REJECT RELAY 10.0.0 RELAY edit /etc/aliases to for aliasing and then do newaliases command me : shaker idle : shaker ~ # newaliases /etc/mail/virtusertable used to map virual address to real address send from another host: define(`SMART_HOST', `')dnl you should add access for this server in /etc/mail/access make -C /etc/mail/ Postfix: configuration file: /etc/postfix/ edit variables: myhostname: this is the host will appear in the hello... mydomain: your domain name myorigin: this is the origin of the domain, for example, then all emails for shaker will be inet_interfaces: what interfaces should i listen for? mydestination: specifies the list of domains that this machine considers itself the final destination for. mynetworks: specifies a list of trusted smtp clients. access goes in this file: /etc/postfix/access virual: /etc/postfix/virtual you need Dovecot: configuration file: /etc/dovecot.conf variables: protocols: choose the protocol you want to use.. listen: if you don't use the standard ports ssl listen: same as above... activate ssl: ssl_disable = no ssl_cert_file = /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem ssl_key_file = /etc/pki/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem creating ssl certificates: you need to edit /etc/pki/dovecot/dovecot-openssl.cnf file as rquired issue this command: /usr/share/doc/dovecot-versionNumber/examples/ /etc/init.d/dovecot start && chkconfig dovecot on #################################### tcp_wrappers two files: /etc/hosts.allow: tcp_wrappers look at this, if it find a match for the service it grants access, no additional searches are required, if no match in that file then it continue to read the next file: /etc/hosts.deny: if it finds a match then deny access, if no match then access is automatically granted. format: daemon_list: client_list or ALL : ALL for example: /etc/hosts.allow: sshd : /etc/hosts.deny: sshd : ALL depending on those files, ssh login is permitted just for host. you can use subnet or a domain like this: /etc/hosts.allow: sshd :, /etc/hosts.deny: sshd : ALL depending on those files, ssh login is permitted for network and all computers in domain. you can use EXPECT operator to expect hosts/networks or daemons.. twist or spawn command to send messages, track access and log problems.. ex: /etc/hosts.deny sshd : : twist /bin/echo %c not allowed iptables: huh?

sshfs, fuse, RHEL 5 quick config

Date May 28, 2008

I 4get too much those days, this post is just to remember me how and where i got rhel (this should apply for Centos 5 too) packages and how to configure it quickly 🙂 i used fuse and sshfs-fuse) and (for fuse-kmodl) packages. [root@m1 ~]# uname -a Linux m1 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 03:01:13 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux [root@m1 ~]# cd downloads/ [root@m1 downloads]# wget [root@m1 downloads]# [root@m1 downloads]# rpm -ihv fuse-* now the packages should be installed, to mount it: [root@m1 downloads]# sshfs shareUsr@m2:/mount-this /mount-here to umount it: [root@m1 downloads]# fusermount -u /mount-here thats all.. update: to allow other users share/see this mount point add - allow_other option ex:/ [root@m1 downloads]# sshfs shareUsr@m2:/mount-this /mount-here-o allow_other

DRBD Primary/Primary using GFS

Date May 23, 2008

My goal by using DRBD as Primary/Primary with GFS is to load balance a http service, my servers looks like the following: Load Balancer - GFS - Primary-Primary i use the GFS partition as document-root for my webserver (Apache). maybe it's better to use SAN as storage but it's so expensive, another solutions maybe iSCSI or GNBD but also it's need more servers which needs extra money 🙂 maybe in the future i will implement it using SAN, iSCSI or GNBD but for now it's good with DRBD and GFS as two nodes with load balancer and it's fast enough. for testing and preparing this quick howto i used Xen to create 2 virtual machine and centos 5 as OS. the partition that i want to use as GFS is named xvdb1, make sure that your partition don't contain any data you want (it will be destroyed) to destroy the partition i used this command in the two nodes: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/xvdb1 change /dev/xvdb1 to your partition (make sure it doesn't contain any needed data). the following commands have to be done in the two nodes, for simplicity i use the output of one machine * download DRBD on node1 & node2: [root@node1 ~]# mkdir downloads [root@node1 ~]# cd downloads/ [root@node1 downloads]# wget -c * untar it: [root@node1 downloads]# time tar -xzpf drbd-8.2.5.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ real 0m0.162s user 0m0.016s sys 0m0.028s [root@node1 downloads]# ls /usr/src/ drbd-8.2.5 redhat * before building DRBD: before you start, make sure you have the following installed in your system: - make, gcc, the glibc development libraries, and the flex scanner generator must be installed - kernel-headers and kernel-devel: [root@node1 downloads]# yum list kernel-* Loading "installonlyn" plugin Setting up repositories Reading repository metadata in from local files Installed Packages kernel.i686 2.6.18-8.el5 installed kernel-headers.i386 2.6.18-8.el5 installed kernel-xen.i686 2.6.18-8.el5 installed kernel-xen-devel.i686 2.6.18-8.el5 installed Available Packages kernel-PAE.i686 2.6.18-8.el5 local kernel-PAE-devel.i686 2.6.18-8.el5 local kernel-devel.i686 2.6.18-8.el5 local kernel-doc.noarch 2.6.18-8.el5 local remember that i use Xen kernel. * building DRBD: - building DRBD kernel module: [root@node1 downloads]# cd /usr/src/drbd-8.2.5/drbd [root@node1 drbd]# make clean all . . . mv .drbd_kernelrelease Memorizing module configuration ... done. [root@node1 drbd]# - checking the new kernel module: [root@node1 drbd]# modinfo drbd.ko filename: drbd.ko alias: block-major-147-* license: GPL description: drbd - Distributed Replicated Block Device v8.2.5 author: Philipp Reisner <>, Lars Ellenberg <> srcversion: E325FBFE020C804C4FABA31 depends: vermagic: 2.6.18-8.el5xen SMP mod_unload 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1 parm: minor_count:Maximum number of drbd devices (1-255) (int) parm: allow_oos:DONT USE! (bool) parm: enable_faults:int parm: fault_rate:int parm: fault_count:int parm: fault_devs:int parm: trace_level:int parm: trace_type:int parm: trace_devs:int parm: usermode_helper:string [root@node1 drbd]# - Building a DRBD RPM package [root@node1 drbd]# cd /usr/src/drbd-8.2.5/ [root@node1 drbd-8.2.5]# make rpm . . . You have now: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 142722 May 23 11:45 dist/RPMS/i386/drbd-8.2.5-3.i386.rpm -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 232238 May 23 11:45 dist/RPMS/i386/drbd-debuginfo-8.2.5-3.i386.rpm -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 851602 May 23 11:45 dist/RPMS/i386/drbd-km-2.6.18_8.el5xen-8.2.5-3.i386.rpm [root@node1 drbd-8.2.5]# - installing DRBD: [root@node1 drbd-8.2.5]# cd dist/RPMS/i386/ [root@node1 i386]# rpm -ihv drbd-8.2.5-3.i386.rpm drbd-km-2.6.18_8.el5xen-8.2.5-3.i386.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:drbd ########################################### [ 50%] 2:drbd-km-2.6.18_8.el5xen########################################### [100%] * Configuring DRBD: - for lower-level storage i use a simple setup, both hosts have a free (currently unused) partition named /dev/xvdb1 and i use internal meta data. - for /etc/drbd.conf i use this configuration: resource r0 { protocol C; startup { become-primary-on both; } net { allow-two-primaries; cram-hmac-alg "sha1"; shared-secret "123456"; after-sb-0pri discard-least-changes; after-sb-1pri violently-as0p; after-sb-2pri violently-as0p; rr-conflict violently; } syncer { rate 44M; } on node1.test.lab { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/xvdb1; address; meta-disk internal; } on node2.test.lab { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/xvdb1; address; meta-disk internal; } } note that "become-primary-on both" startup option is needed in Primary/Primary configuration. * starting DRBD for the first time: the following steps must be performed on the two nodes: - Create device metadata [root@node1 i386]# drbdadm create-md r0 v08 Magic number not found v07 Magic number not found v07 Magic number not found v08 Magic number not found Writing meta data... initialising activity log NOT initialized bitmap New drbd meta data block sucessfully created. --== Creating metadata ==-- As with nodes we count the total number of devices mirrored by DRBD at at The counter works completely anonymous. A random number gets created for this device, and that randomer number and the devices size will be sent. Enter 'no' to opt out, or just press [return] to continue: success - Attach. This step associates the DRBD resource with its backing device: [root@node1 i386]# modprobe drbd [root@node1 i386]# drbdadm attach r0 - verify running DRBD: on node1: [root@node1 i386]# cat /proc/drbd version: 8.2.5 (api:88/proto:86-88) GIT-hash: 9faf052fdae5ef0c61b4d03890e2d2eab550610c build by root@node1.test.lab, 2008-05-23 11:45:23 0: cs:StandAlone st:Secondary/Unknown ds:Inconsistent/Outdated r--- ns:0 nr:0 dw:0 dr:0 al:0 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 resync: used:0/31 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 act_log: used:0/127 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 on node2: [root@node2 i386]# cat /proc/drbd version: 8.2.5 (api:88/proto:86-88) GIT-hash: 9faf052fdae5ef0c61b4d03890e2d2eab550610c build by root@node2.test.lab, 2008-05-23 12:58:18 0: cs:StandAlone st:Secondary/Unknown ds:Inconsistent/Outdated r--- ns:0 nr:0 dw:0 dr:0 al:0 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 resync: used:0/31 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 act_log: used:0/127 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 - Connect. This step connects the DRBD resource with its counterpart on the peer node: [root@node1 i386]# drbdadm connect r0 [root@node1 i386]# cat /proc/drbd version: 8.2.5 (api:88/proto:86-88) GIT-hash: 9faf052fdae5ef0c61b4d03890e2d2eab550610c build by root@node1.test.lab, 2008-05-23 11:45:23 0: cs:WFConnection st:Secondary/Unknown ds:Inconsistent/Outdated C r--- ns:0 nr:0 dw:0 dr:0 al:0 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 resync: used:0/31 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 act_log: used:0/127 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 - initial device synchronization for the first time: the following step must done just on one node, i used node1: [root@node1 i386]# drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary r0 - verify: [root@node1 i386]# cat /proc/drbd version: 8.2.5 (api:88/proto:86-88) GIT-hash: 9faf052fdae5ef0c61b4d03890e2d2eab550610c build by root@node1.test.lab, 2008-05-23 11:45:23 0: cs:SyncSource st:Primary/Secondary ds:UpToDate/Inconsistent C r--- ns:792 nr:0 dw:0 dr:792 al:0 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 [>....................] sync'ed: 0.2% (2096260/2097052)K finish: 2:11:00 speed: 264 (264) K/sec resync: used:0/31 hits:395 misses:1 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:1 act_log: used:0/127 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 [root@node2 i386]# cat /proc/drbd version: 8.2.5 (api:88/proto:86-88) GIT-hash: 9faf052fdae5ef0c61b4d03890e2d2eab550610c build by root@node2.test.lab, 2008-05-23 12:58:18 0: cs:SyncTarget st:Secondary/Primary ds:Inconsistent/UpToDate C r--- ns:0 nr:1896 dw:1896 dr:0 al:0 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 [>....................] sync'ed: 0.2% (2095156/2097052)K finish: 2:02:12 speed: 268 (268) K/sec resync: used:0/31 hits:947 misses:1 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:1 act_log: used:0/127 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 By now, our DRBD device is fully operational, even before the initial synchronization has completed. we can now continue to configure GFS... - Configuring your nodes to support GFS before we can configure GFS, we need a littel help from RHCS, the following packages is needed to be installed on the systems: - "cman" ( RedHat Cluster Maneger) - "lvm2-cluster" (LVM with Cluster support) - "gfs-utils" or "gfs2-utils" (GFS1 Utils or GFS2 Utils, as write of this document, i prefer GFS1) - "kmod-gfs" or "kmod-gfs-xen" for Xen (GFS kernel module) * we must enable and start the following system services on both nodes: - cman : it will run ccsd, fenced, dlm and openais. - clvmd. - gfs. starting cman: before we can start cman, we have to conigure /etc/cluster/cluster.conf i use the following configration: <?xml version="1.0"?> <cluster name="my-cluster" config_version="1"> <cman two_node="1" expected_votes="1"> </cman> <clusternodes> <clusternode name="node1.test.lab" votes="1" nodeid="1"> <fence> <method name="single"> <device name="human" ipaddr=""/> </method> </fence> </clusternode> <clusternode name="node2.test.lab" votes="1" nodeid="2"> <fence> <method name="single"> <device name="human" ipaddr=""/> </method> </fence> </clusternode> </clusternodes> <fence_devices> <fence_device name="human" agent="fence_manual"/> </fence_devices> </cluster> after editing /etc/cluster/cluster.conf we have to start it in the two nodes in the same time: on the node1: [root@node1 i386]# /etc/init.d/cman start Starting cluster: Loading modules... done Mounting configfs... done Starting ccsd... done Starting cman... done Starting daemons... done Starting fencing... done [ OK ] on the node2: [root@node2 i386]# /etc/init.d/cman start Starting cluster: Loading modules... done Mounting configfs... done Starting ccsd... done Starting cman... done Starting daemons... done Starting fencing... done [ OK ] check nodes: [root@node1 i386]# cman_tool nodes Node Sts Inc Joined Name 1 M 4 2008-05-23 14:33:25 node1.test.lab 2 M 316 2008-05-23 14:41:34 node2.test.lab in the 'Sts' column the 'M' means that every thing is going fine, if it's 'X' then there is a problem happend.. - starting CLVMD: first we need to change locking type in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf to 3 in the two nodes: vi /etc/lvm/lvm.conf change locking_type = 1 to locking_type = 3 we also need to change the filter option to let vgscan don't see the duplicated PV (duplicate PV will happen because our xvdb1 will be the backend for drbd0) i changed filter like this #filter = [ "a/.*/" ] filter = [ "a|xvda.*|", "a|drbd.*|", "r|xvdb.*|" ] in my filter option, "a|xvda.*|" means add all xvda partition, "a|drbd.*|" means add all drbd partition, and "r|xvdb.*|" means remove (ignore) all xvdb partition (one of them is our partition which is xvdb1) save and exit.. the first thing to do is vgscan, so it's read the new configuration: [root@node1 i386]# vgscan Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while... Found volume group "VolGroup00" using metadata type lvm2 - the following commands must done in one node, i used node1 - now create our PV: [root@node1 i386]# pvcreate /dev/drbd0 Physical volume "/dev/drbd0" successfully created creating our volume group: [root@node1 i386]# vgcreate my-vol /dev/drbd0 Volume group "my-vol" successfully created [root@node1 i386]# vgdisplay --- Volume group --- VG Name my-vol System ID Format lvm2 Metadata Areas 1 Metadata Sequence No 1 VG Access read/write VG Status resizable Clustered yes Open LV 0 Max PV 0 Cur PV 1 Act PV 1 VG Size 2.00 GB PE Size 4.00 MB Total PE 511 Alloc PE / Size 0 / 0 Free PE / Size 511 / 2.00 GB VG UUID UaUK5v-P3aX-nmCn-Oj3F-XQox-AgxB-UsM0xS did you noticed Clustered yes? creating our lv: [root@node1 i386]# lvcreate -L1.9G --name my-lv my-vol Rounding up size to full physical extent 1.90 GB Error locking on node node2.test.lab: device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argument Failed to activate new LV. creating the GFS: [root@node1 i386]# gfs_mkfs -p lock_dlm -t my-cluster:www -j 2 /dev/my-vol/my-lv This will destroy any data on /dev/my-vol/my-lv. Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n] y Device: /dev/my-vol/my-lv Blocksize: 4096 Filesystem Size: 433092 Journals: 2 Resource Groups: 8 Locking Protocol: lock_dlm Lock Table: my-cluster:www Syncing... All Done start gfs service: [root@node1 i386]# /etc/init.d/gfs start mount it on the first node: [root@node1 i386]# mount -t gfs /dev/my-vol/my-lv /www [root@node1 i386]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 9.1G 3.4G 5.3G 40% / /dev/xvda1 99M 17M 78M 18% /boot tmpfs 129M 0 129M 0% /dev/shm /dev/my-vol/my-lv 1.7G 20K 1.7G 1% /www [root@node1 i386]# ls -lth /www/ total 0 mount it in the second node: now you have to wait until the initial device synchronization finish, to check: [root@node2 i386]# cat /proc/drbd version: 8.2.5 (api:88/proto:86-88) GIT-hash: 9faf052fdae5ef0c61b4d03890e2d2eab550610c build by root@node2, 2008-05-23 12:58:18 0: cs:SyncTarget st:Secondary/Primary ds:Inconsistent/UpToDate C r--- ns:0 nr:1970404 dw:1970404 dr:0 al:0 bm:119 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 [=================>..] sync'ed: 93.4% (143276/2097052)K finish: 0:08:57 speed: 252 (232) K/sec resync: used:0/31 hits:976756 misses:120 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:120 act_log: used:0/127 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 after it finish we need to change it to primary before we can mount it: [root@node2 i386]# drbdadm primary r0 [root@node2 i386]# cat /proc/drbd version: 8.2.5 (api:88/proto:86-88) GIT-hash: 9faf052fdae5ef0c61b4d03890e2d2eab550610c build by root@node2, 2008-05-23 12:58:18 0: cs:Connected st:Primary/Primary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate C r--- ns:0 nr:2113680 dw:2113680 dr:0 al:0 bm:128 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 resync: used:0/31 hits:1048386 misses:128 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:128 act_log: used:0/127 hits:0 misses:0 starving:0 dirty:0 changed:0 notice "st:Primary/Primary" it's what we want! 🙂 now to check the volume group: [root@node2 ~]# vgscan Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while... Found volume group "VolGroup00" using metadata type lvm2 Found volume group "my-vol" using metadata type lvm2 mount it! [root@node2 i386]# /etc/init.d/gfs start [root@node2 i386]# mkdir /www [root@node2 i386]# mount -t gfs /dev/my-vol/my-lv /www /sbin/mount.gfs: can't open /dev/my-vol/my-lv: No such file or directory oOoPps do you remember the error "Error locking on node node2.test.lab: device-mapper: reload ioctl failed: Invalid argumen" when we created our LV in the first node? ok easy, restart clvmd in node2 and try remounting it: [root@node2 i386]# /etc/init.d/clvmd restart Deactivating VG my-vol: 0 logical volume(s) in volume group "my-vol" now active [ OK ] Stopping clvm: [ OK ] Starting clvmd: [ OK ] Activating VGs 2 logical volume(s) in volume group "VolGroup00" now active 1 logical volume(s) in volume group "my-vol" now active [ OK ] [root@node2 i386]# mount -t gfs /dev/my-vol/my-lv /www aha, lets touch some data: [root@node2 i386]# touch /www/hi [root@node2 i386]# ls -lth /www/ total 8.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 23 16:35 hi and from node1: [root@node1 i386]# ls -lth /www/ total 8.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 23 16:35 hi cool right:? try it your self...

Kerberos 5, a quick start

Date May 3, 2008

i still maintain this, it's not complete Kerberos is a network authentication protocol created by MIT, it's uses symmetric-key cryptography to authenticate users to network services. from wikipedia: "Kerberos uses as its basis the Needham-Schroeder protocol. It makes use of a trusted third party, termed a key distribution center (KDC), which consists of two logically separate parts: an Authentication Server (AS) and a Ticket Granting Server (TGS). Kerberos works on the basis of "tickets" which serve to prove the identity of users. The KDC maintains a database of secret keys; each entity on the network — whether a client or a server — shares a secret key known only to itself and to the KDC. Knowledge of this key serves to prove an entity's identity. For communication between two entities, the KDC generates a session key which they can use to secure their interactions." This quick howto explain how to run Kerberos server/client using two machines, i use Centos 5 for this.. * Some Kerberos Terminology: i will not explain all Kerberos Terminology, you can refer to another guides for this. - Principal: a unique name of a user or service allowed to authenticate using kerberos, it's follows the form user[/instance]@REALM, instance is optional. all principals in realm have their own key. - realm: a network that uses kerberos, usually is the same as the DNS domain name with uppercase letters. - ticket: a temporary credentials that verify the identity of a client for a particular service. - kinit: a command allows a principal who has already logged in to obtain and cache the initial ticket-granting ticket (TGT). - keytab: a file includes an unencrypted list of principals and their keys, it's used by the servers to retrieve the keys they needs from keytab instead of using kinit. - Key Distribution Center (KDC): a service that issues Kerberos tickets. - ticket-granting server (TGS): a server that issues tickets for a desired service. - ticket-granting ticket: a special ticket that allows the client to obtain additional tickets without applying for them from the KDC. ---------- Configuring a Kerberos 5 Server: * ensure that time synchronization and DNS (you can use hosts file) are functioning correctly on the server and client machines before configuring Kerberos, in this way Kerberos prevent an attacker from using an old ticket to masquerade as a valid user. maybe you can use ntp to do synchronization. * yum install krb5-libs krb5-server krb5-workstation * edit /etc/krb5.conf and /var/kerberos/krb5kdc.conf files to reflect the realm and domain-to-realm mappings, for example this is my krb5.conf file: [logging] default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log [libdefaults] default_realm = TEST.LAB dns_lookup_realm = false dns_lookup_kdc = false ticket_lifetime = 24h forwardable = yes [realms] EXAMPLE.COM = { kdc = m1.test.lab:88 admin_server = m1.test.lab:749 default_domain = test.lab } [domain_realm] .test.lab = TEST.LAB test.lab = TEST.LAB [kdc] profile = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf [appdefaults] pam = { debug = false ticket_lifetime = 36000 renew_lifetime = 36000 forwardable = true krb4_convert = false } i used TEST.LAB as realm, kdc is my kerberos server, and i maped my domain to it's realm in [domain_realm] section. for kdc.conf file, this is my configuration: [kdcdefaults] acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab v4_mode = nopreauth [realms] TEST.LAB = { supported_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1:normal arcfour-hmac:normal des-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-md5:normal des-cbc-crc:normal des-cbc-crc:v4 des-cbc-crc:afs3 } * create te database: [root@m1 ~]# /usr/kerberos/sbin/kdb5_util create -s Loading random data Initializing database '/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/principal' for realm 'TEST.LAB', master key name 'K/M@TEST.LAB' You will be prompted for the database Master Password. It is important that you NOT FORGET this password. Enter KDC database master key: Re-enter KDC database master key to verify: [root@m1 ~]# -s option forces creation of a stashe file in wic hthe master server key is stored, with stash file kerberos server will not prompts the user for the master server password every time it starts. * edit /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl file and change realm to yours. my file: */admin@TEST.LAB * this file used by kadmin to determine which principals have administrative access to the Kerberos database and their level of access. * now the first step is to add our System Administrator, so we can use Kerberos remotely from any client. we will use kadmin.local command for this. [root@m1 ~]# kadmin.local Authenticating as principal root/admin@TEST.LAB with password. kadmin.local: ? Available kadmin.local requests: add_principal, addprinc, ank Add principal delete_principal, delprinc Delete principal modify_principal, modprinc Modify principal change_password, cpw Change password get_principal, getprinc Get principal list_principals, listprincs, get_principals, getprincs List principals add_policy, addpol Add policy modify_policy, modpol Modify policy delete_policy, delpol Delete policy get_policy, getpol Get policy list_policies, listpols, get_policies, getpols List policies get_privs, getprivs Get privileges ktadd, xst Add entry(s) to a keytab ktremove, ktrem Remove entry(s) from a keytab lock Lock database exclusively (use with extreme caution!) unlock Release exclusive database lock list_requests, lr, ? List available requests. quit, exit, q Exit program. kadmin.local: addprinc sysadmin WARNING: no policy specified for sysadmin@TEST.LAB; defaulting to no policy Enter password for principal "sysadmin@TEST.LAB": Re-enter password for principal "sysadmin@TEST.LAB": Principal "sysadmin@TEST.LAB" created.

البحث عن أكبر ملف/مجلد

Date November 30, 2007

خلال اليومين الماضيين إحتجت على أحد الخوادم أن أبحث عن أكبر الملفات أو أكبر المجلدات لمعرفة أين تضيع مساحة ما يقارب 60 جيجا اﻷمر بسيط عن طريق find وإستخدام المدخل -size مثلا للبحث عن الملفات التي حجمها على الأقل 100M أو أكثر
find / -type f -size +100M
أيضا يمكن إستبدال + ب - ليتم البحث عن الملفات التي لا يزيد حجمها عن 100 تستطيع تغير 100 بالرقم الذي تريد، أيضا M تعبر عن ميجا، أنظر إلى
man find
لمعرفة المزيد كذلك تستطيع البحث عن المجلدات التي تحتوي ملفات كبيره عن طريق du مثلا
du -sh /home/
ستعطيك حجم مجلد الهوم أيضا تستطيع إستخدام الخيار --max-depth=NUMBER ليتم إعطائك حجم المجلد الرئيسي بالإضافه إلى حجم المجلدات المنسدله منه وذلك بالإعتماد على الرقم NUMBER الذي إخترته مثلا:
$du -h --max-depth=1 /home/ 4.2G /home/idle-boy 8.0K /home/public 10M /home/ahmad
حاول تغير الرقم... وأيضا لا يمكن إستخدام الخيار s والمختصر لـ summery مع --max-depth لمعرفة أكثر إستخدم
man du
الآن ماذا لو أردنا البحث عن المجلدات ذات الحجم جيجا فما فوق فقط مثلا:,
$du -h --max-depth=1 /mnt/shaker/ 16K /mnt/shaker/lost+found 4.0G /mnt/shaker/xen_images 11G /mnt/shaker/Study 4.9M /mnt/shaker/qg 21G /mnt/shaker/LinuxDistorISO 770M /mnt/shaker/Quran 8.6G /mnt/shaker/Morning 3.8G /mnt/shaker/Downloads 28K /mnt/shaker/LAPs 148M /mnt/shaker/other-files 21M /mnt/shaker/Applications 4.0K /mnt/shaker/Hamzah-Files 48G /mnt/shaker/
الأمر بسيط، عن طريق grep بالشكل التالي:
du -h --max-depth=1 /mnt/shaker/ | grep ^[1-9].[0-9]*G 4.0G /mnt/shaker/xen_images 11G /mnt/shaker/Study 21G /mnt/shaker/LinuxDistorISO 8.6G /mnt/shaker/Morning 3.8G /mnt/shaker/Downloads 48G /mnt/shaker/

CCNA Instructor :D

Date August 26, 2007

The last week was a headache one! I passed CCNA Exam in 8/19/2007 in Saturday (with a v.good mark 987/1000 ;), after 2 days i got the first job on it 🙂 ya i was really happy to hear that :p , some one told me to give CCNA Lectures in his Academy (Computer Academy), why not, yes i can give it and here where we started, HEADACHE!! ya i never thought that teaching is like this, it's doesn't like studding, you have to study with your student! oh god, ya am happy with this part job but maybe because its the first time i work as Instructor, anyway i will continue to see what will happen at the end mission :p

Life is Pain

Date August 7, 2007


CLI shortcut keys

Date July 6, 2007

بعض الإختصارات السريع للوحة المفاتيح في سطر الأوامر..
Ctrl + a تذهب الى اول السطر الذي تكتب فيه
Ctrl + e تذهب الى اخر السطر الذي تكتب فيه
Ctrl + l تعمل تنظيف للشاشه وهي نفس الامر clear
Ctrl + h تقوم بنفس عمل backspace
Ctrl + f تقدم مؤشر الكتابه خطوه الى الامام
Ctrl + r تمكنك من البحث في قائمة الاوامر التي ادخلتها سابقا
Ctrl + c تمكنك من انهاء اي شيء.. تقوم به بإرسال SIGINT
Ctrl + D الخروج من الصدفه shell الذي داخله الان
Ctrl + d تحذف ما تحت المؤشر الى آخر السطر
Ctrl + z تمكنك من توقيف اي شيء تقوم به بشكل مؤقت وامر fg يرجعك اليه
Ctrl + w تحذف الكلمه الموجوده قبل مؤشر الكتابه
Ctrl + k تعمل قص للسطر الموجود امام المؤشر
Ctrl + u تعمل قص لكل ما هو مكتوب قبل مؤشر الكتابه
Ctrl + y تعمل على لصق لما تم قصه في احد الامرين السابقين
Ctrl + t تعمل تبديل مواقع بين اخر حرفين موجودين قبل مؤشر الكتابه
Esc + t تعمل تبديل بين آخر كلمتين موجودتين قبل مؤشر الكتابه
Alt + T تقوم بنفس العمل السابق
Alt + F تعمل على تقديم المؤشر الى ما بعد الكلمه الموجوده حالياً
Alt + B تعمل على ارجاع المؤشر الى ما قبل الكلمه الحاليه
Alt + < تذهب الى اول امر موجود في الـ History Alt + > تذهب الى اخر امر موجود في الـ History
Alt + / تقوم بإكمال اسم الملف او المجلد
Alt + u تكبر الحروف للكلمه الموجوده بعد مؤشر الكتابه
Alt + c تكبر الحرف الاول للكلمه الموجوده بعد مؤشر الكتابه
Tab تعمل على اكمال الامر او اسم الملف عنك