“think outside the box”. “Finalists will develop their proposed applications on the Cisco AXP platform, and will have remote access to a Simulation Lab hosted by Cisco for developing their applications. “Finalists will present their implementations to a panel of experts comprising senior-level Cisco executives along with other industry luminaries. We will select three winners […]
Entries from October 2008
Cisco Programming Contest – US$100,000 Total Prizes
October 26, 2008
Damn! No Dom0 Support in Fedora 10
October 23, 2008
In my laptop, I still use Fedora 8 because it support Dom0, i waited Fedora 10 final release because it suppose to support Dom0, Fedora 9 didn’t has this support, i just noticed that Fedora 10 will also not support Dom0: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue146#Fedora_Xen_List http://www.mail-archive.com/fedora-xen@redhat.com/msg02344.html I will stay with fedora 8 even eol 🙁
3’sbn 3annak oktoob 3araby :P
October 20, 2008
keeef ma eja lazem tooktob 3rby http://www.yamli.com/ar/ 😛
Can your hammer do that ??
October 20, 2008
gonna start to use my hammer!
October 19, 2008
eh, from three days, mosh 3aref leeeh 7ass fe malal kbeer, i don’t read RSS feeds, i don’t read new posts in forums, i don’t search about tut,i play chess too much, i play other games, i sleep every 1 hour about 10 minutes, i think too much, i smoke much more, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew what’s happen!!! […]
العوده لترجمة كتاب سلاكوير
October 9, 2008
قبل ما يقارب السنه والنصف عزمة على بدأ ترجمة كتاب سلاكوير والموجود على هذا العنوان كنت قد ترجمة بعض الوحد منه ولكن بسبب إنشغالي أو ممكن تكاسلي قد تركت العمل عليه، سأحاول في الفتره القادمه العمل من جديد على ترجمته. الترجمه موجوده على هذا الرابط
Storage Clustering using GNBD & GFS
October 6, 2008
This is a quick howto build a simple GNBD server with one GFS Partition exported to two nodes, this two nodes will use the GFS Partition as document root for apache, i will use three XEN machines for setting up and they running CentOS 5.2.
I created this setup on RHEL 5.2 servers, no differences between CentOS and RHEL, but RHEL need a registration on Advance Software to get some clustering packages which i don’t have, so i did rpmbuild fo
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