CCNA Instructor :D

Date August 26, 2007

The last week was a headache one! I passed CCNA Exam in 8/19/2007 in Saturday (with a v.good mark 987/1000 ;), after 2 days i got the first job on it 🙂 ya i was really happy to hear that :p , some one told me to give CCNA Lectures in his Academy (Computer Academy), why not, yes i can give it and here where we started, HEADACHE!! ya i never thought that teaching is like this, it's doesn't like studding, you have to study with your student! oh god, ya am happy with this part job but maybe because its the first time i work as Instructor, anyway i will continue to see what will happen at the end mission :p
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6 Responses to “CCNA Instructor :D”

  1. Anonymous said:

    Did you pass the new CCNA exam or the old one.

  2. Shaker said:

    the old one

  3. kefah mryyan said:

    hi how r u shaker ?
    suddenlly i’ve found your web site ; good job shaker!!!!!!!
    i’ve read what u write about being a CCNA instructor for me and feras !!! r u still remmeber ?!!!!!
    u were a very good teacher.
    u know something ??? till today i didnt make the CCNA exam???!!!! may you will be disappointed BUT really i’ve no enough time to study the course well .
    i dont know if feras did or not ? did he ???
    i hope you to be in agood position in the company that you work in, you a creative person even that some time u r a littel lazy 🙂
    best wishes my teacher!!!!!!!
    kefah mrayyan

  4. Shaker said:

    yes sure i still remember you, how i will 4get you, you was a creative girl
    how are you and how is the University, i think it’s the exams time those days, hope you pass them all with a good marks.
    Firas did his exam and he passed it,
    strange why you didn’t make the exam till now!!!!

    am good in the new company and everything is going well as expected, am trying to not being lazy :p

    if you need anything about CCNA, i really will be happy to help you.

    keep in touch,

  5. kefah said:

    hi shaker
    i’m fine thank u
    no it’s not the exams time for me coz i’ve graduated recently and now i’m working as a trainee in ORANG mobile company in amman at the 7th circle,
    i’ll be so glad if we keep in touch shaker and thanks for ur kind offer to help me in CCNA.
    this is my e-mail that i chek it daily from 8 to 5 clock
    it’s my pleasure to contact with u at this e-mail address.
    by the way i’ve send an e-mail to
    but i dont know if this e-mail is true or not!!!!!!!!
    best wishes shaker

  6. Shaker said:

    beshhhhhhhhh!! really glade to hear that,
    days run so fast!! ana halkeet bede el knaaafeh 😛

    orang is a very good company, you should gain a good experiance there.
    yes you typed my email right, but maybe you typed it wrong when you sent the email, i didn’t receive your msg till now.
    i deleted your email because of spam, 4sure i will contact you using it.

    Happy working there,
    And best wishes for you kefah.

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