اليوم وانا دايخ في النت وجدت كولا فريده من نوعها.. كولا مفتوحة المصدر !!. هذه الكولا تحت ترخيص GNU General Public License تستطيع اخذ المكونات وطريقة العمل وانتاج واحده خاصه بك جميل صااح.. شو رايك في باتش منها P: المقاله موجوده هنا على هذا الرابط
Entries from February 2007
كولا مفتوحة المصدر!!!
February 19, 2007
Is it Today? wtf!
February 15, 2007
Is it Today? wtf, I’m talking about Valentine’s Day, some one told me it’s coming tomorrow, and another one told me it was Yesterday!!?, – by the way! what is this day and should it be a holiday! another thing what we should wear on it? and what we should do in that day? hell […]
Enhance Bash Completion feature
February 10, 2007
as known pressing tabs in the Command Line Interface will complete commands or filenames for you, it’s a very nice feature in bash, i don’t remember most of the commands without this feature, but does this feature need to enhance? when you write cd [tab] then bash will list all files and directories in the […]
Remote computing with a Linux application server farm
February 9, 2007
i found a nice case study talking about Network booting, VNC, and SSL cooperate to yield big benefits… You’ve heard of Web 2.0, right? Well, here’s “utility computing 2.0,” a combination of network booting, SSL, VNC, and other familiar concepts and technologies — all on Linux® — that can yield dramatic returns on investment. See […]
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