Installing PPTP Client in Fedora 11

Date September 27, 2009

Usually, When i wanna connect to online servers for checking them or whatever, I ssh to my work PC then to them, unfortunately our main gateway is down today. So i tried another solution which is trying our work VPN connection, Network Manager didn't help me or maybe i didn't know how to configure it (i don't like it!), the other solution was PPTPConfig, i tried it before and it worked perfectly, To install it in Fedora just follow the following steps as root:
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -Uhv [root@localhost ~]# yum install pptpconfig
now just run pptpconfig as root and configure your VPN connection..
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4 Responses to “Installing PPTP Client in Fedora 11”

  1. Installing PPTP Client in Fedora 11 | TuxWire : The Linux Blog said:

    […] the original post here:  Installing PPTP Client in Fedora 11 Share and […]

  2. Bassu said:

    Cool. That’s so awesome. Does this client work with Windows’ PPTP VPN server or L2TP?

  3. Bassu said:

    Because Ubuntu’s and Fedora’s network manager last time I tried, won’t… !

  4. Shaker said:

    Yes, it should work.

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